The given Operation manual contains basic information relating to the practical use of the electrode boilers for the heating systems. By the aggregative technical and economic indices of effectiveness, including the boiler efficiency, simplicity of installation and repairing, cost of heating of one square meter of the apartment, specific consumption of materials per 1 kW of the boiler capacity, etc. the electrode boilers cannot be compared with any other type of the electric boilers. The areas of application of the electrode boilers continue to extend confidently. This Operation manual is intended for the electrode boiler installation specialists, experts in the installation of the automatic control systems for the electrode boilers, startingup and adjustment specialists, experts in maintenance and repairing, and owners of the boilers. We thank in advance those who will send remarks and proposals to the address of the “Firma “GALAN” Joint-Stock Company. All rights reserved. None of the parts of the given Operation manual can be reproduced in any form without written permission of the “Firma “GALAN” Joint-Stock Company which is a copyright owner.
Invention of the electrode boiler is a one of the highest achievements in the area of creation of the multipurpose heating equipment. A long-term experience of successful operation shows that electrode boilers are easy operating, reliable, and safety devices. The boiler efficiency reaches 98%. This is a result of application of one of the best achievements of the domestic defensive industry in peace purposes. Throughout many years the boilers of the “Firma “GALAN” Joint-Stock Company are successfully applied in almost all regions of the Russian Federation, Post-Soviet republics and other foreign countries.
Dear customer!
To use a complete set of advantages of our boilers and to avoid possible annoying errors in the process of installation of the heating system and boilers and in the course of starting, further operation, and usage of the electric boilers, we convincingly ask you to familiarize yourself attentively with the given Operation manual which contains information relating to the characteristics, construction, operating principle, application, and rules of installation of the electrode boilers. Also this Operation manual contains basic requirements imposed on the safety measures, installation, operation, and repairing of the heating system, registration and maintaining of the working documentation, etc. The boilers are intended for heating of apartment houses, including country houses, cottages, multistory apartment houses, garages, baths, premises and buildings of the domestic, household, trading, public, industrial, and agricultural purpose, and also other constructions in absence or inefficiency of the centralized heating. The “Ochag”, “Geyser”, and “Vulkan” instantaneous electrode heating boilers produced by the “Firma “Galan” Joint-Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as “boilers”) are used only in the looped heating systems working without extraction of hot water for household, industrial or any other purposes. These heating systems work on the basis of the compulsory circulation of the heat-transfer agent (by means of the circulation pump). According to the recommended most economic mode the temperature on an inlet of the boiler should lie in the range +35 ÷ +45ºС, and the temperature on an outlet of the boiler should fall in the range +65 ÷ +75ºC. These boilers are made only in Russia. The specified temperature in the heated premises is supported by the automatics (by means of the temperature regulator). The boilers have a long operating mode.
For normal operation of the boiler the following conditions are necessary:
Operation air temperature of the premises in which the boiler is installed should lie in the range between +10 to +35ºС; ultimate air temperature of the premises in which the boiler is installed should fall in the range between 4 +10 to +40ºC (under condition of absence of other requirements);
Relative humidity of an air at the temperature of +20ºС should be no more than 75%;
Non-explosive environment; the environment should not contain aggressive gases and steams destroying metal and isolation; the environment should not contain an industrial dust in quantities adversely affecting the boiler operation.
There are no combustible materials in the construction of the boilers, therefore our boilers are fireproof. Boilers meet the requirements of the Technical Specifications (TS) No. 3468- 00117289826-02. Order designations: “Galan – XXX-№” electrode boiler (“XXX” is a name of the boiler). Annotation: “№” is a power of the boiler in accordance with the Table 1. Example: “Galan – Ochag-6” electrode boiler.
All of the “Ochag”, “Geyser”, and “Vulkan” electrode boilers described in the Table 1 are certified. Number of the certificate of conformity: РОСС RU.ME71.H00072 dated 29.03.05. The Certification authority: The Electrical Products Certification Authority of the Independent Noncommercial Organization on Certification of the Electrical Products, 109052, Moscow, ul. Nizhegorodskaya, 29. Voluntary certification.
It is recommended to use the following types of liquids as heat-transfer agents for all of the “Hearth”, ”Geyser”,
“Vulkan” electrode boilers of the “Firma “Galan” Joint-Stock Company which are listed in this table:
• “Galan-Potok” low-freezing liquid with special rust prevention components and additives against formation of
scale and scum (freezing temperature: -40º C, life expectancy: no less than 5 years, warranty period: 1 year)
(hereinafter referred to as “low-freezing liquid”);
• Potable water (defined by the Sanitary Regulations and Rules No., distilled water, snow melt water,
rain water (filtered water) the specific electric resistance (hereinafter referred to as “resistance”) of which is no
less than 1300 Ohm/cm at a temperature of +15º C.
It is strictly forbidden to use low-freezing liquids (antifreezes) such as “TOSOL”, “Arktika”, “Tvoy Dom”, etc. as heat transfer agents since they are not intended for a use by the electrode boilers.
Advantages of electrode boilers
Boilers of ZAO "Firm "Galan" are made only in Russia (10 types, tab.1). They are not only cheaper than the similar in power boilers of all other types including foreign, but have a variety of meaningful advantages:
The considerable power saving at the expense of extremely high efficiency of electrode boilers which reaches 98%, which is much higher than in other heating boilers. It is reached by the direct conversion of electrical energy in thermal directly in the heat coolant while current flow via the coolant, by molecules ionization, thus temperature of the coolant and its conductivity increase, the electric current which goes from an electrode to an electrode also increases, and the boiler quickly reach the nominal rating power.
Saving from 40% to 60% of input energy as a result of high-speed performance of electrode boilers, application of:
- electronic temperature controllers "Navigator"
- temperature controllers "Stoker"
- cellular remote control "Galan GSM"
- electromechanical variant of automatic equipment.
Simplicity of mounting, small sizes and light weight of electrode boilers. For example, the boiler with capacity 6 kW weighs 1,1 kg, 25 kW - 5,7 kg weigh.
Possibility of imbedding our boilers in previously installed heating systems (in case of obligatory carrying out of our recommendations), also as the second reserve (parallel connection of a boiler) pic.№3. Capacity of a reserve boiler has to correspond to the size of heated space and the quality of heat insulation, the number of coolant in heating system (tab.№1).
In case the reserve boiler is set in operating heating system, it is necessary:
• carefully, using corrosion inhibitor "Galan-Protector" wash out the system;
• to filter the coolant;
• to take measures to prevent the ingress of contamination from heating system in boiler, to set filters.
In case of using plastic pipes in system it is necessary to change a few meters of pipes in the input and output of a boiler to non-galvanized ("black") pipes.
Possibility of repeated increasing of heating system power (cosequently increase of heated space capacity) by parallel connection of a large number of boilers. For example, connection of 8 boilers with capacity 25 kW each increases the capacity of heating system up to 200 kW. (pic.№2).
It is forbidden to use electrode boilers:
• for "direct" heating of water, which directly goes to the boiler from a water body, an artesian well, a water well, a water supply system, the river etc. "directly" goes to a boiler. Our boilers are intended for using in heating systems. The water used as the coolant, shall correspond precisely to passport data of a boiler, as otherwise the boiler fails. Water also can't be selected from heating system for hot water-supply:
• for installation of "heat-insulated floors" as temperatures required in this case are significantly lower than optimum working temperatures of an electrode boiler. For this reason the boiler doesn't reach a rated capacity. For this reason for "warm" floors we recommend to use high-reliable modern thermoelectric boilers like Hearth -Turbo, Geyser-Turbo, Volcano Turbo ZAO "Firm "Galan" production.
Not recommended:
• application of electrode boilers in heating systems in which large-size (large volume) heating radiators are installed: radiators with tubes of big diameter, cast iron radiator, etc. In this case it is recommended to apply electric boilers like Hearth -Turbo, Geyser-Turbo, Volcano Turbo ZAO "Firm "Galan" production.
If, by force of circumstances you have no other exit except applying an electrode boiler, it is necessary to provide compliance of the coolant volume (number) which was filled in the system with boiler capacity (tab.№1).
Besides, while using the cast iron radiators it is necessary to install extra coarse-mesh filter to the "return" line, the mood collector (sump) to prevent an event when the remains of the rod earth get from internal cavities of heating radiators with coolant to a boiler and put it out of action. With the same purpose it is necessary to wash out carefully cast iron radiators before installation in system.
Recommended delivery set
Boiler assembled – 1 pce.
Application and exploitation of electrode boilers in heating systems– 1 pce.
* Automation system – 1 set
** The maintenance manual of automatic equipment – no dupl.
Packing – 1 pce.
* The main actuation device, recommended by ZAO "Firm "Galan" is the two-channel temperature controller "Navigator". At will the buyer can install an electrical equipment according to the schemes below.
The guarantee don't apply to a boiler which was acquired without this automatic control system of its work.
Automatic control system cost isn't included into the cost of a boiler.
** For the Management exception for electromechanical option of automatic equipment as it is included a component into this manual. With this option of automatic equipment offered the buyer, can change.
Boilers arrangement
Depending on the efficiency ZAO "Firm "Galan" produce two groups of boilers – single-phase and three-phase:
• the single-phase: - " Hearth -2", " Hearth-3", " Hearth -5" and " Hearth -6";
• the three-phase: - "Geyser-6" "Geyser-9", "Geyser-15", "Volcano-25", "Volcano-36", "Volcano-50"
Single-phase boilers consist of:
• the metal case with branch pipes of an coolant inlet. The case also fulfills functions of the second electrode and the ionization chamber;
• rod electrode with a current lead and a with a tight isolating feedthrough;
• 2-terminal groups with protection covers. In single-phase boilers there is the terminal – a phase, sideways below settles down: the jumper – a zero wire, the jumper – an earth wire.
Three-phase boilers consist from:
• the metal case with branch pipes of an coolant inlet. The case also fulfills functions of the ionization chamber;
• the bases on which 3 electrodes with current leads and hermetic flow electrical insulators are set;
• terminal group with the protection cover.
The operating principle of boilers is identical and is considered below.
Electrode boiler installation (mounting) in heating system
Heating systems projects, boiler installation works, automatic equipment, electrical grid connection (including electrical grounding), placing in service, repairing, witness point of a condition, testing works must be performed by the organization (firm) which have the corresponding license for it's carrying out.
In performance of the listed above works, execution of heating systems documentation, and also while operation have to be observed:
• "Intersectoral electric installation code" (EIC);
• "Rules for Operation of Customers' Electrical Installations";
• "Power system safety standards";
• "Procedure for Design and Safe Operation of electric boilers and electric boiler house";
• Present manual.
Also it is necessary to observe "Regulation of fire safety of Russian Federation", which correspond to the Building code.
For boiler connection, installation of heating systems automatic control, their service, including repairing, it is necessary to have electricians or specialists in instrumentation and control systems of the corresponding qualification, certified and allowed to work with electro installations to 1000B, with a group of electrical safety not lower than 3. For installation, operation and repairing of heating systems heating engineers are necessary.
The experts mentioned above have to know "Procedure for Design and Safe Operation of electric boilers and electric boiler house", the present manual. During the works with corrosion inhibitor, low-freeze liquid, washing and cleaning means for surfaces, need to know and comply with the rules of the safe application.
Upon completion of the listed above works, the organization (firm), which performed these works makes entry in Sheets (Appendix No. 2) which is certified by the contractor and by the press of this organization.
Attention! Warranty liability extends on the copper, installed according to the above mentioned requirements, with appropriate execution of the performed works. The guaranty does not extend on the boilers, which were not established according to the project or by the unauthorized organization, or not certified experts.
The boiler work can be monitored only by the person, not younger than 18 years, passed the corresponding instructing, who knows the present manual, the boiler design and the rules of safe monitoring of its work.
Boiler connection to electric grid of the energy provider.
In case the allocated power is not enough, boiler connection is performed according to established procedure.
It should be noted that this order of connection to the energy provider to electric boilers of all other types and is not only an electrode boilers feature.
By the time of boiler installation the grounding in heating system has to be completely executed and tested.
Resistance value of the grounding. Grounding resistance value of a boiler and a heating system has to be no more than 4 Ohms. As the grounding conductor it is used a copper wire with a section of 4-6 mm2 (tab №1). Safe execution of the grounding has to correspond to EIC. "Procedure for Design and Safe Operation of electric boilers and electric boiler house"
All open electro-conductive parts of a boiler and heating system, including metal conduits of the cold (return water) and the hot coolant have to be grounded.
Input of the grounding conductors in the building or construction has to be marked by the identification sign.
Ground leads
Ground leads have to conform to EIC requirements. The design and execution of the ground lead have to provide demanded resistance value of the boiler and heating system grounding at most 4 Ohms.
Term of periodic inspection of the grounding condition is 12 years.
Corrosive wealth should not exceed 50%.
It is forbidden to color the body of ground lead to protect it from corrosion by removable or constant dielectric coverings. For example, plastic or rubber boots.
Adjustment of the conductivity of water.
Switch on the boiler and after 30 seconds at the temperature of "the return heat carrier" of 15 °C ÷ 20 °C, measure starting current using an ammeter or current clamp. Switch off boiler. Three cases are possible: starting current is greater or less than specified in tab.№4 for your boiler or equal to tabular
Filling of the heating system with the coolant
Your system is installed. A boiler and automatic control system are mounted, also connection to the grounding power supply network is made. The heating system is without dirt and corrosion.
In this case filling of the system with the coolant is made without preliminary washing. It is necessary to meet the following conditions:
* the heating system has to be surely disconnected from the power supply network at any filling of the system with water or low-freezing liquids. It is necessary to exclude the case of connection to the power supply network.
* Right after filling system with a coolant needs to check the system integrity. Any leakages are inadmissible.
Filling with low-freezing "Argus-Galan" liquid or water (tab.№1) is possible.
Water as the coolant, possesses a number of undoubted advantages, such as availability, low price, environmental friendliness, high heat physical qualities. At the same time such disadvantages, as corrosion of heating system, possible necessity of water resistivity adjustment during the heating season, carrying out of a boiler annual repairing, etc. Therefore, without denying use water as the coolant, we recommend you to apply a modern low-freezing "Argus-Galan" liquid as the coolant.
Using of water as the coolant
It is necessary to increase or decrease a water resistivity (further - adjustment) to maintain boiler operation with a passport capacity. Adjustment ("control") of resistance is carried out after the system is filled with water, by addition in water of solution of table salt or water with a high resistance and achievements thus tabular values of starting (starting) and maximum current (tab.№4) at certain temperatures of a return water (further – "Entrance"). It is necessary to carry out instructions of our Management pronouncedly:
the temperature of the boiler input ("input" detector) has to be 15-20ºC;
boiler on-time is no more than 30 sec.

Boiler installation (mounting) in the heating system
Before installation it is needed to examine a boiler and to check its completeness.
The boiler is installed in heating system strictly vertically. Thus the terminal group (current leads of a boiler) for connection to the power supply network has to be situated from below, protected from external influence and accidental contact with the protection cover (cap). For boilers of the "Hearth" series (220V) the terminal – phase also has to settle down from below.
Connection of branch pipes of a boiler with piping of heating system is performed with the use of sanitary sleeves with DU not less than DU of branch pipes of a boiler and according to the project. In the design of heating system it must be provided:
• the copper needs to be installed as low as possible towards heating radiators as it raises output pressure of a boiler. Thus it is advisable to provide a vertical spacing, which will be enough for free removing of electrode group from a boiler, inspection and cleaning of its internal surfaces. Diameter of a riser board over the boiler, as diameters of all heating system piping are strictly according to the design of your heating system. The height of a riser board over the boiler need to be not less than 2 m. It is one of conditions for not using of the circulating pump.
While installation, the boiler has to be attached to a wall apart from the way of its connection with heating system.
On the pic.№1, 2, 3 there are provided some schematic diagrams of execution of heating systems. For convenience of heating system service it os advisable to install pipe stops right after a expansion tank and before an inlet branch a boiler (look pic.№1, 2, 3).
Strictly forbidden
Installation of any cranes, any isolation or control valves on a pipeline section between an outlet fitting of a boiler and an expansion tank.

The name of the equipment
1, Electrode boilers
2. Radiator
3. Balancing tank
4. Backup electrode boiler
5. Basic boiler working on hard or gas fuel

Attachable thermostat


Filter (setting, mud collector mechanical)

A valve for discharging of a heat carrier from the system

A valve of air discharge

Circulation pump, capacity is 70-100 W
A vertical riser over the boiler, not less than 2 m high. DN-40, DN-32
On application of: remote cellular control system and control of the equipment "Galan — GSM", electronic temperature control "Navigator", "Stoker"; electromechanical option – strictly follow the connection schemes, specified in the Maintenance manual. Precisely fulfill requirements for operation, installation, safety. The temperature detector "Entrance" is installed on the pipeline, "return pipe". The sensor "Exit" - on the pipeline, an exit from the boiler (a riser board) at distance of 30 cm from a boiler exit (from a boiler branch pipe).
Recommended optimum working temperatures of the heat conductor on an entrance and an exit from the boiler, verified by long-term experience, are noted above. These modes guarantee reaching of the maximum effect.
Regulation band of a heat controller "Navigator" at the exit from a boiler ("Exit" sensor) is 10+85ºC, on an entrance to the boiler ("Entrance" sensor) is 10+80ºC.
In heat controllers "Stoker", "Galan GSM" the temperature is measured directly in the heated room which significantly increases efficiency of the heating system and comfort in heated rooms.
For installation of automatic heating system control it is advisable to use a cooper wire with a section of 0,5-2,5 mm2. (Copper) A brand of a wire has to be specified in the project of your heating system and in the Managements of automatic equipment. If you use a multicore copper wire, apply a cable shoe, but do not tin the wire end as it can cause a poor contact.
Electrical schematics of connection via the two channel electronic regulating temperature indicator "Navigator" are given in the maintenance manual for the "Navigator."

Electrical connection scheme of single-phase electrode boilers type: Hearth-2, Hearth-3, Hearth-5, Heath-6

Electrical connection scheme of three-phase electrode boilers type: Geyser-6, Geyser-9, Geyser-15, Volcano-25

Electrical connection scheme of three-phase electrode boilers type: Volcano-36, Volcano-50
Electromechanical variant of automatic equipment
* to make connection of a boiler to an electric network according to type and the capacity of your boiler, (one of schemes No. 1 or No. 2), thus temperature detector "Entrance" is installed generally on the pipeline of a reverse water supply. Temperature detector "Exit" is installed on the pipeline, quitting a boiler, at distance of 30 cm from a boiler.
* Detector connection is carried out by a copper multi-core wire with a section of 0,5-2,5 mm2 (copper).
The flame control system serves for switching on and switch-off of the boiler power supply, and also is the automatic safety device in case of the current overloads.
The button on the casing of the magnetic starter serves for switching on and switch-off of the temperature relay, and under normal operation of a boiler feeding circuit is constantly switched on (guarded button). Its actuating means excessing of current consumption over the rated because of failure in a boiler, electrodiagram or in case water resistance is significantly lower than 3100 Ohms of cm in 15ºC. Switching on of the thermal relay is performes by button action.
a. To set the recommended temperature on the boiler "output" 65ºC+75ºC.
b. To set a value of desired temperature on boiler "input". This value depends on the airspace, quality of heat insulation, etc., generally it is 35ºC+45ºC.
Tab. 4
Then switch on the boiler, measure starting current in 30 sec. after the boiler switching on at return temperature of 15ºC-20ºC, then disconnect a boiler compare the measured current with specified in tab.№4 for your boiler. If value of starting current differs from specified in tab.№4 repeat adjustment of the specific electrical resistance. Thus temperature on the boiler output has to be 15ºC+20ºC. After these values became equal, it is necessary to switch on the heating system. After reaching the temperature 60ºC on the Entrance sensor it is needed to measure the maximum current and compare it with specified in tab.№4. If it is necessary, carry out an adjustment of the water electrical resistivity by the above mentioned procedure. It should be noticed that the value of the starting current is trial, simplifying the process of adjustment of electrical water resistivity. The final will be a value of the boiler maximum current in reaching of the temperature 60ºC on the boiler entry (input sensor) which is equal to the designated value in tab.#4 after which the process of size of the maximum current of a copper achievement of temperature on an entrance to a copper (Entrance sensor) 60ºC with the specified size in tab..№4 then process of the resistant adjustment is finished. The measured starting current is large than specified in tab.№4 for your boiler.
It is necessary to add in the heating system water with a resistance, much exceeding the passport value. It is the distilled water, and also pure rain water or snowmelt without contaminations. Using of the drinking water with a high specific resistivity (tab.№1) or boiled water is possible. The quantity of the added water depends on the volume of the filled in system water. The order of the filling of the system with water of a high resistance is completely similar to the case when starting current, and also the maximum current is less than specified in tab.№4 for your boiler, except that the water with a high electrical resistivity is added to the system instead of water with salt brine.
The amount of the added in system water with high resistance and an amount of water merged thus from the system has to be equal. If there is no circulation in heating system than the adjustment of resistance of the water which was filled in system will be changed in the following way:
the changing of the resistance throughout the water filled in system is reached at the expense of increasing the number of single additions in system, reduction of the salt brine doses, added in water or waters with high electrical resistivity, filled in the system;
the larger amount of water, pumped over after each addition with salt brine or water with high electrical resistivity in a broad tank by means of the "Kid" pump.
Boiler start-up
The work purpose is providing reliable, effective long-term operation of heating system. Works are executed by qualified personnel, heating systems has to be disconnected from electric grid.
Maintenance and repair works are executed by the firm (organization) which have the appropriate license for carrying out these works. Record about the executed works is made by the performer of these works in the sheet of the Manual and certified by the signature of responsible for works and by the press of the organization (appendix No. 2).
Maintenance and repair works are carried out after a heating season. Frequency and structure of these works is defined both as a type of the coolant which is used in heating system and those drawbacks which are revealed during the visual inspection of system condition, a boiler and repairing.
Water as the coolant
Annually, right after the end of a heating season, it is necessary:
to cool heating system to room temperature;
to merge 20 l of water from system, to dissolve a dose of a corrosion inhibitor "Galan-Protector" in this quantity, which size is defined in an amount of 1,5 l (or 0,5 depending on concentration) of inhibitor per 100 l of water, mix carefully, with "Kid" pump to fill in the system through the drain valve. Once again merge from the system 20 l of water and without inhibitor to fill in system, etc. to the full gulf of water with inhibitor in system.
For washing of the system it is necessary it works 6 days with a temperature of return water of 350C. During this period of time the system is not only being cleaned, but also its internal surfaces of heating system are protected (inhibiting) against corrosion. At this time it is necessary to clear the filter regularly.
After 6 days of the heating system work it is necessary:
to disconnect heating system from the power supply network;
to cool system to room temperature;
to merge all the water from heating system;
This water is not applicable to reuse.
Repeat procedure as necessary. An inspection, checking of the bolt and electrical connections tightening and reliability of grounding connection are carrying out.
Boiler repairing
If it is impossible to lift an electrode group (electrode) out of the boiler body ought to dismount a boiler from heating system, also to clear internal surfaces of the body and assure of non-existence of defects.
While repairing of a boiler it is necessary:
to remove an electrode (in a single-phase boiler), electrode group (in a 3 phase boiler) for visual inspection for non-existence of defects – cracks in window insulators, etc. and wear measurement of electrodes. If wear contains more than 40%, an electrode or electrodes need to be replaced. Usually it occurs once every 3-5 years;
to clear carefully interfacing surfaces in order to provide hermiticity due to application of encapsulating materials when assembling the boiler and its further operation;
to clear internal surfaces of the barrel of the boiler to metal gloss and then inspect them attentively for no-existing of defects, for example, pitting corrosion, etc.
to assemble the boiler. When assembling of the boiler to observe strictly the set of electrodes against each other and the barrel of the boiler, so there has to be an identical distance (spacing) between electrodes and the barrel of the boiler and between electrodes. To avoid the possibility of ingress of contamination in a boiler when assembling. To check the hermiticity.
Install a boiler strictly vertically in heating system. Fill heating system with the coolant. The broad tank has to be filled on 1/3 of its volumes.
After completion of the listed above works to check the system hermiticity, the bolt and electrical connections tightening and reliability of grounding connection, the value of the grounding electrical resistance, automatic equipment and to make a trial start-up of heating system. As needed to eliminate the identified shortcomings.
The person who is responsible for carrying out these works, makes the corresponding entry in the record of the carried-out repair works, certifies by a signature and the press of firm (organization) with the location and license extension. (Appendix No. 2).
Switch on a boiler, put the system condition under the strict control until the first automatic shutdowns and switching on of the boiler.
Switching on the boiler with the frozen coolant in system or existence of danger of its freezing is inadmissible.
The temperature of the room in which the heating system is built, while pre-commissioning activities has to be not less than 15ºC+20ºC.
In case of correct building of the heating system and connection of the electroscheme, including automatic equipment, a system will start getting warm.
If during the initial period of work the coolant is a "fresh" water, a gradual power reduction of a boiler takes place it is necessary:
to remove a boiler from the system, to demount and clean the surfaces of electrodes, internal surface of the boiler from the stuck layer of the pollution possessing isolating (dielectric) properties, to assemble the boiler and install in system.
The coolant – Low-freeze liquid "Argus — Galan"
In this case maintenance and repair works of the boiler while the non-heating season are carried out once in 3 years: it is visual inspection, the bolt and electrical connections tightening and reliability of grounding connection.
The order of carrying out of the maintenance and repair works except washing of system which does not take place, is similar when using the water as the coolant in heating system, is described above for observance of protective measures.
Washing of system is not carried out as the low-freeze liquid "Argus — Galan" contains the components which interfere corrosion, scaling and foams. Before repairing the boiler needs to be washed out carefully with water from low-freeze liquids, also to wash out the boiler details after disassembling.
Monitoring of the boiler operation
This function can be carried out by adults only, who were briefed on the monitoring of the boiler work, know the boiler structure, studied this Manual.
While monitoring the boiler operation it is necessary to watch visually for the quantity of the coolant in system according to its level in a broad tank. Normally the tank has to be filled on 1/3 of its volume but if the coolant level in a broad tank is lower than specified, the serving system specialist of firm (organization), depending on what kind of the coolant is used – water or low-freezing liquid, has to execute one of 2 procedures:
a). Water as the coolant.
To add in a broad tank to the normal level distilled water or rain, snow, thawed, pure, filtered, i.e. water with electrical resistivity far exceeding 3100 Ohms.
b). To add in a broad tank to the normal level a distilled water or rain, snow, thawed, pure, filtered, i.e. water with electrical resistivity far exceeding 3100 Ohms and low-freezing liquid in the ratio of 3:1. These works have to be carried out only upon condition of previously disconnected heating system from the power supply network.
c). The cases of immediate shutdown of the boiler current supply.
The boiler has to be immediately disconnected in the case of:
lack of tension;
coolant leakage from the system;
existence of the frozen coolant in system;
grounding system malfunctions;
emergence of moisture on the boiler barrel, automatic equipment devices;
malfunctions in the operation of a circulator
In case of malfunctions in heating system operation immediately call in the specialists of the firm (organization) which provides a service for your heating system and before their arrival act according to the received instructions.
In case of danger of the system "defrosting" merge the coolant (water) in a clean container.
The annual works providing electrical safety and reliability of automation equipment
Annually, after the end of a heating season it is necessary to carry out the works, providing electrical safety and reliability of automation equipment no matter what is used as the coolant – water or low-freezing liquid (are carried out at the case of disconnected system from power supply network):
Reliability control of the grounding system contacts and an automatic equipment block;
check the size of an electrical resistivity in the heating system grounding. Its size should not exceed 4 Ohms;
visual inspection of the circuit breaker – cleaning from a dust, check and retorque of the terminal connections, non-existence of mechanical jamming, checking of contacts;
checking of the magnetic starter – cleaning of a dust, visual inspection, cleaning and retorque of the terminal connections, contacts inspection of on a mechanical jamming, magnetic freezing;
visual inspection of start buttons;
visual inspection of the installed automation equipment ("Stoker", "Navigator", «Galan GSM") – rubbing from a dust, checking of contacts, installation, accuracy.
The listed above works are carried out by electrical specialists or mechanics of CMD&A (control and measuring devices & automatic equipment) who have access to electrical installations with the maximum voltage of 1000 V, an electronic security group not less than 3. Upon completion of the works run the boiler in a test mode. Upon completion of works the person who is responsible for carrying out these works, makes the corresponding entry in the record of the carried-out repair works, certifies by a signature and the press of firm (organization) with the location and license extension. (Appendix No. 2).
Fire safety
Transportation and storage of electrode boilers
The boiler shouldn't have damages and has to keep performance capability after mechanical and climatic influences while in shipment.
Transportation of boilers can be made by all types of transport in covered vehicles, according to the rules of goods transportation, which are effective on this mode of transport. Transport conditions in parts of influence of mechanical factors – on group From All-Union State Standard 23216-78.
Transport conditions to parts of influence of climatic factors on group – 5(extra hard conditions 4) All-Union State Standard 15150-69.
Boiler storage conditions of group 3 (hard conditions in closed space) 15150-69.
Potential problem
1. The boiler is failed-on, circuit breaker actuation.
Short-circuit in electrical system caused by wrong connection of the boiler, water electrical resistivity is much lower than 3100 Ohms*cm at 15ºC.
To call in an electrician and to check compliance of the assembled electro scheme with given in this Manual, to check starting currents. In case of need to carry out the correction of water resistance.
2. The heating system does not warm up (warms up poorly)
High water electrical resistivity. Insufficiently high temperature of the coolant was set. Connection schemes of a boiler and radiators installation do not correspond mentioned in this Manual.
Strictly observe recommendations in this Manual for coolant . To increase value of the set temperature. To bring into compliance the connection and installation schemes with schemes in this Manual.
Existence of air plugs in heating system, caused by incorrect installation. Inconsistency between boiler efficiency and the efficiency of connected to it heating implements (radiators, convectors etc.)
To eliminate installation errors, to fill in the coolant under the pressure via the drain valve. To bring into compliance the boiler and heating implements capacities.
3. The boiler consumes power, but only the closest to the boiler pipeline (riser) is getting warm.
Lost circulation in heating system, existence of air plugs.
To clean the heating system and carefully wash it out, using the inhibitor.
4. Eventually, the boiler gradually loses its capacity; including operation on "fresh water".
Existence of dirt, rust, mill scale etc. on the internal surfaces of a boiler and electrodes.
To clean electrodes and an internal surface of the barrel of boiler to a metallic sheen.

Warranty liabilities
Warranty period of operation is 12 months from the date of sale.
The age of boiler is 3 years.
Warranty liabilities extend on the boiler installed by the regional service center (with obligatory filling of the enclosed coupon on installation).
Warranty liabilities extend on the boiler which had gone through preventive maintenance according to this manual and appropriate arrangement of these works.
The producer doesn't bear responsibility for electric boilers operation if:
the scheme of heating and electrical connection doesn't correspond to the specified in the this manual and also the boiler which was acquired without control system recommended by ZAO "Firm "Galan";
the boiler has mechanical damages;
the boiler worked at the temperatures exceeding recommended in this Manual, or with the coolants, not recommended by ZAO "Firm "Galan";
there are traces of moisture influencing, intrusion of foreign objects, dust and dirt (including insects), on terminals under the protection cover;
the copper worked at an insufficient speed of the coolant circulation which led to electrodes insulators damage.
6.The producer doesn't bear responsibility for operation of electric boilers in case of a lightning stroke, a fire, flooding, ventilation absence and other reasons can't be under the control of the producer.